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Advertisement, Rare Featuring the Singer Featherweight - (Vintage Original)
Sale priceFrom $ 37.95
Regular price$ 42.95
Advertisement Leaflets, Replica Featuring the Singer Featherweight
Sale priceFrom $ 8.95
Advertisement Tin Sign, Replica Featuring the Singer Featherweight
Sale price$ 39.95
Matchbook, Centennial - RARE Singer (Vintage Original)
Sale priceFrom $ 49.95
Regular price$ 79.95
Enamel Singer Sign, German 16x24" (Vintage Original) - RARE
Sale price$ 595.00
Book, Singer Sales Points, (Vintage Original) - RARE
Sale price$ 374.95
Regular price$ 395.00
Booklet, Family Sewing Machine Album, Singer (Vintage Original)
Sale price$ 49.95
Advertisements, Rare Singer ITALIAN - (Vintage Original)
Sale priceFrom $ 64.95