Featherweight Faire

Featherweight Faire features a new selection of finely serviced Singer Featherweight machines for sale
Made available for sale at 8:00 am Pacific Time, the first Tuesday, each month*. *With the exception of special Holiday Machine Sale events.
Machines listed on this page will show as "AVAILABLE SOON" until they are made available for purchase at 8:00am in the Pacific Time Zone. Be sure and refresh your browser repeatedly for the machine to become available at the appointed time. Machines will be removed from this page after they are sold.
Machine Preview:
A day or so before next month's Featherweight Faire, machines will be available for preview, but again, they will display as "Available Soon" until they are available for purchase at the designated time. Please refer to the "Featherweight Faire Information" section and "Tips for Buying a Machine at The Featherweight Shop" for more information.
Important Pages to Review:
Shop by Category
Gifts Under $25