Pinker / Pinking Blade, Singer (Vintage Original)
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These original specialty blades for the Singer Hand Crank Pinker or Singer Pinking Attachment are very scarce to find anymore. However, once in awhile we will have the Straight Cutting Blade and the Narrow Pinking Blade available. If you don't see it in stock at the moment, be sure to sign up for the "In Stock Notification" above and you will receive an e-mail as soon as we have one available again.
The straight-edged blade cutter wheel neatly cuts material, whether bias or straight, into strips. The width of the cut strips is regulated by the cloth guide attached to the Pinker. The accuracy of machine pinking is very helpful when strips are needed for piping, cording, binding, facing, trimming bands or narrow ruffles, and the speed is most desirable when cutting rags and stockings into strips for making rag rugs. Due to their scarcity, however, these specialty blades are not included with the original Pinker Attachment, but are sold separately.
Following the directions carefully, switch the original blade to the new blade. If you don't have an Instruction Manual you can download the free manual at the link above.
Tip: Do not use your Singer Screwdrivers. Use a wider, flat head screwdriver to make any adjustments or to switch the blades. This will protect your attachment and prevent your little Singer screwdrivers from bending out of shape.
The straight blade is an original SIMANCO Singer Strip Cutter and Trimmer - the kind that is featured on the back of the instruction manual. Using the strip cutter and trimmer you can make your own bias tape for binding aprons, placemats, baby bibs, and more. The widest tape you can cut using the Singer Pinking Attachment is 15/16". Coincidentally, the widest width that the Singer Bias Binder can accommodate is 15/16 of an inch as well. These two attachments can work together, if you so choose, in the accomplishment of your sewing task.
After cutting the strips (and piecing together if need be), you are ready to begin using the Singer Binding Attachment which will fold the raw edges on both sides, bind it, and stitch your bias strips in place. (Singer Binder is sold separately.)
You can also use the Strip Cutter & Trimmer for wool or fabric stripping, too. If you like to make hooked or needle-punch rungs, then using your Pinking Attachment, you can strip your own wool into the desired width, whenever you need... and without the strain of a cranking by hand. You can do this all on your Featherweight Sewing Machine or any low, vertical shank Singer Sewing Machine. (If you are not sure if the Pinking Attachment will work with your model machine, feel free to e-mail me and ask.)
Straight blade will cut as narrow as 1/8 inch, and as wide as 15/16 inch. It's easy, fast and saves the strain on your arms and hands.
The original Traditional Scallop Singer Pinking Blade has 4 waves per inch, but the mini-scallop has 6 1/2 waves per inch. A tiny narrow scallop is pinked using the very scarce mini-scallop Singer Cutting Wheel.
In the photos above, you can see the various cuts from the three different Singer SIMANCO Pinker Cutting Wheels. The larger, traditional ‘swell’ being the original blade (and most common) followed by the cut of the smaller scallop-edged blade (the most scarce to find) and the last being a cut from the straight-edged cutting wheel. The extra two blades were special orders made to the Singer Manufacturing Company and were not originally supplied with each Pinker. A customer had to specifically make a request.
All cutting wheels (aka: blades or disks) have been double-checked for rust, nicks and ability to cut properly. As always, we guarantee the products we sell. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.
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