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Article: Under Construction

Under Construction


2015 was a year for so many changes and upgrades and updates, etc. Some of them realized (moving), some of them not-quite-yet realized (website)... for so many, many months it felt like we were floating out on the ocean with no clear sign of land! And now that 2016 is here we can finally see the beach! Not only did our family move and get settled into our new home, but we started construction for our little shop. Here's Carmon as he and the fellas were just getting started...

And now look! The girls are all set up! And, yes, I said girls... as in plural. Our sweet organizer, helper and official rick-racker, Rebekah, was joined recently by Elizabeth - the sweet, cheerful giggly one there in the back. We are so excited to have a new helper behind the scenes, too - and was she ever needed! Right now she's kind of a floater as she learns aspects of the various duties of packing and shipping (rick racking), answering emails, entering orders, and general computer work. Welcome aboard the Featherweight Shop, Elizabeth! We are very pleased that you are part of the team!


And since we've all had to be so i-n-c-r-e-d-i-b-l-y patient while we wait for the new website I thought a sneak peak was now in order. Our little dog Bell was helping me and she gave her tacit approval of the work thus far. So, until I present the long, drawn out story for website development (because, believe me - it's a story to write home about), this little glimmer of the shoreline will give us hope that we are truly nearly there.