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Article: Introducing Biscotti: The Featherweight Pup

Introducing Biscotti: The Featherweight Pup


Meet Biscotti, the Featherweight Pup and the newest member of the Henry family!

Carmon Henry swore it would be years before he was ready to own another dog—not because he didn't love them, but because he did. His beloved Cocker Spaniel, Bell, passed away in 2022, and she was so precious to the Henrys, it seemed impossible that another dog could ever quite take her place. 

But then April and Ruthie Henry hatched a surprise. The best surprise. A Christmas surprise. 

Biscotti the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel joined the family at Christmas time as a tiny darling weighing just three pounds. She was perfect. 

And Carmon realized...maybe he was ready to fall in love with another puppy after all. 

Biscotti felt right at home!

Let's go be a family.

Wouldn't every puppy be thrilled to find their new home is brimming with cozy quilts? 

Biscotti quickly stole the hearts of everyone at the Featherweight Shop, and regularly visits the team to make sure they are stocked up on hugs and kisses. Here, she gets all snuggly with Trish, who leads the fulfillment team in packing and shipping orders.

Olivia, detail-oriented with fine motor skills, is learning the ins and outs of Featherweight service.


Katie works on our fabulous customer service team, and is a dog-owner herself. No wonder Biscotti wants to explore her jacket! 

A regular visitor of April's sewing room, Biscotti makes sure all the pieces are coming together for the quilt for the Alaska cruise this summer.

Despite living the busy college life, Ruthie loved taking care of Biscotti while Carmon and April were away on the Caribbean cruises.

Whether she's galloping around the house (curly ears a-swinging) or sniffing out fat quarter bundles down at the shop, we love our Featherweight Pup!