Singer Wrinkle (Crinkle) Featherweight 221
Serial Number: AF589*** indicates commission date of August 15, 1940
This uniquely finished Featherweight has been most commonly referred to as the “Crinkle” Featherweight or sometimes called a “Matte Finish” Featherweight. However, we would like to dispel that descriptive adjective with the bona fide name that Singer gave it originally. The official name for this particular finish is called “Wrinkle”. And, as you can see in the photograph below, taken by a fellow Featherweight historian, that the term is indeed correct.
Photos Courtesy of JJ & Leo of The Featherweight Factory
So, from here on out, it will be referred to as the Wrinkle Featherweight. It is quite a peculiar looking finish, isn’t it? Almost looks fake… and there have been several who have thought it was a fake Featherweight after seeing pictures of one at various places online. However, rest assured, it is truly an original Featherweight! Somewhat of a charcoal color, the finish will be sure to stimulate tactility. Run your hand over it and you will soon be smitten!
There were other models of Singer machines that had the Wrinkle finish, too, but none are considered scarce like the Singer Featherweight. Quantity, peculiarity, and Featherweight collectibility all play a factor in determining the value of a machine like this. According to Featherweight historians and Singer records, there were only two recorded commission dates for the Wrinkle Featherweight – December 5th, 1939 and August 15th, 1940. It is reported that the serial numbers were consecutive for the first production commission date, but intermittent with the regular shiny japanned-finished Featherweights during the second production commission date.
A Wrinkle Featherweight has a rough or crinkly finish, which is the most recognizable and distinctive feature of this kind of Singer 221. The wrinkle tactility is attributed to the of the machine, motor and sometimes the face plate. The Wrinkle faceplate was the first faceplate style furnished with Wrinkle Featherweights, which was significant to the first production run. It has three grooves vertically down the center as shown in the photo below.
A sample of Wrinkle Faceplate (not the same one featured in this post)
These grooves coordinate with the grooves on the bed of the machine.
What’s interesting to note, however, is that these machines were also furnished with faceplates that had a different production date altogether. Yes, some Wrinkle Featherweights have a blackside or striated faceplate rather than a Wrinkle faceplate. However, the striated faceplate was not even issued on Singer Featherweights until 1947. So how can that be when the Wrinkle is from 1939 and 1940? Well, according to historians, some of the Wrinkle finish 221 models were held back from complete assembly for a number of years. Perhaps it was because they were not as feminine and attractive looking as the standard machines…? or the anti-glare finish was not as hot a seller as some anticipated…? Whatever the reason, the Wrinkle Featherweights were stored away for several years and then supplied with the striated faceplates at final assembly. Perhaps it made them a bit more appealing? Nevertheless, while it is not considered out of the ordinary to see a Wrinkle finish Featherweight with a striated faceplate, but it might be out of the ordinary to even see a Wrinkle Featherweight out in the wild! If so, nab it quickly!
Now, before we venture any further – as we mentioned earlier there were many, many, many Wrinkle Singer Sewing Machines made over the years in all sorts of various models (66, 99, and 128)…. BUT, if an old Singer Sewing Machine happens to have a crinkly finish it does not mean it is scarce or hard-to-find. The reason this particular machine is so valuable, with the distinctive wrinkle finish, is because there were very few Wrinkle Featherweights made by comparison.
Featherweight historians, JJ & Leo from The Featherweight 221 Factory, have only logged 43 known Wrinkle Featherweights in all their years of keeping records. They both fully acknowledge that more Wrinkles were made, but how many — no one knows exactly.
Some have suggested that these machines were military issue but no data has surfaced to support that claim, while others think it was just another avenue for Singer marketing. Whatever the attempt, production of the Wrinkle Featherweight didn’t last long. All that to say, we will let you discern the genealogical origins. Just be careful to discern fact from imaginative guesses.
You will also notice the difference in the “decals” on the bed of the machine… there are none!
The bed was rather designed with three parallel grooves.
Singer Wrinkle (Crinkle) Featherweight 221 For Sale
The only gold decals on the machine are indicative of the Singer brand name – the light cover and the back of the machine.
Original Manual, Oil Can, Original Case Key, Screwdrivers and Box of Attachments are included: Ruffler (Blackside Ruffler), Adjustable Hemmer, Edge Stitcher, Binder, Narrow Hemmer, and Shirrer
Completely serviced, cleaned and running perfectly smooth, this Wrinkle 221 Featherweight sews a beautiful forward and reverse stitch. The motor is exceptionally strong and ready to sew right out of the box. We give this machine a grade 9; it has had very little use. This is the best condition Wrinkle Featherweight we have ever sold. There are a couple of small wear marks on the base of the machine from being put in a table or cabinet. Be sure to click on the expanded views of all photos for fine detail.
Singer Wrinkle Featherweight 221
Serial Number: AF589*** indicates commission date of August 15, 1940
Sold - February 26, 2015