Putting Your Machine Away

This Featherweight hint is actually a simple one but could save you some heartache just by being conscientious and a little bit careful with your Bakelite Terminal Receptacle.
Did you know there is a proper way to put your Singer Featherweight away into your case? Indeed there is. Time and time again we have seen machines that have cracked or broken electrical terminals and usually, the cause is how the machine was put away in its case.

The electrical terminal as shown in these photos is made of Bakelite and becomes brittle with age. So, if the terminal happens to get banged against something hard and firm at just the right spot (like the blunt edge of a wooden Featherweight case), the Bakelite piece can crack and break.
Keep this in mind when replacing your machine to its case and make sure to do so very carefully and gently – keeping the bakelite electrical terminal away from the far right edge of the case. The machine is supposed to be inserted with the front of the machine facing you. It’s best to then align the machine with the case replacing it straight down and setting it in the designated recess at the very bottom of the case.

The machine is clearing the case edge, but if you’ll notice, the Bakelite terminal still is not…

You want to make sure there is the right amount of clearance for both the machine and the terminal so that you can correctly and safely return the machine to its case.