Darning & Embroidery Attachment Boxed Set, Singer (Vintage Original)
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SINGER Sewing Machine Embroidery & Darning Attachment ~ Boxed Set
for Class 15 & 221 or 66, 99, & 201, 301 Class Machines - Comes in either chrome or Blackside
With the right instruction, a feed-dog cover plate and the appropriate embroidery/darning attachment, Machine Embroidery can range from the 'Practical' (darning) to the 'Artistic' (embroidery). Just like they did in the olden days.....
Attachment SET INCLUDES: Embroidery / Darning Attachment, Original Thumb Screw, Feed-Cover Plate, and Instructions with the Original Box.
Attachment SET for the 301 INCLUDES: Embroidery / Darning Attachment, Original Thumb Screw, and Instructions with Original Box (does not need or include the feed-cover plate)
You can use it practically, "Darn it!"
"Darn It!" ... That's what you ought to do at once as soon as you see a little hole, to make the proverbial stitch that saves nine. But how many of us do it? Darning is one of those tiresome jobs that all the outgoing members of a family seem to think is the duty of the stay-at-home one. However, it is these "out-goers" that can financially contribute, perhaps, to a Darning Attachment, Darning Plate and Hoop by increasing the life of their household goods and saving the replacement costs many times over; for darning has now become a pleasure, instead of being put off.
This Embroidery / Darning Attachment Set is a wonderful invention. Despite that it can be a pricey collectible for today, what it will save you in time cannot be put down in figures, not to mention the satisfaction it will bring you with a completed Embroidery project.
The tablecloth in the photos above had two little slit-type holes for a couple of years but I just couldn't bring myself to use it on my table with those small holes. You would laugh if you knew how those holes got to be there in the first place. I was rotary cutting on my cutting mat, being very particular and precise. I was being so "precise" that I slipped off the mat and immediately cut my near-perfect, vibrantly-colored, vintage, strawberry tablecloth. Thankfully, this allowed me the opportunity to demonstrate the darning process.
- Carefully stretch the linen over the darner so that the hole will become taut. This is necessary for Free-Motion work or Darning.
- Trim any loose threads.
- Next, make a little border around the hole so you have a guide with which to use for subsequent stitching.
- Following the grain of the fabric, work slowly, making sure that your stitches are small and even. Work both directions. The length-wise directional stitching can be longer and more loose, but you will need to follow that up with the short, smooth stitches going in the opposite direction.
Genuinely a vintage SINGER attachment set and not a reproduction - originally sold in Singer Sewing Centers. The set is specific because of how the plate fits the machine, but the attachment alone will work on any low, vertical shank Singer Sewing Machine if you already have a feed-cover plate.
Red-Work, Blue-Work or whatever-color-Work are going to have an entirely different meaning with the ability to do it on your Singer Featherweight machine. Or what about the old-fashioned Friendship Quilts? Take your finished quilt squares to a bridal shower and have all in the wedding party sign them in pencil. Then follow their signature with the Embroidery Attachment. You will have a unique and cherished gift to present the bride. As a baby gift, you could use a vintage iron on transfer with the darling prints and patterns from yesteryear and embroider a Nursery-Rhyme Quilt. My mother has one (which I hope to inherit someday) and it is one of her most-treasured possessions.
Really and truly, with a little practice, you'll be able to follow a signature in no time at all. I watched a good friend of mine do it after just a couple samples of her own name. She finished an entire baby quilt with signatures from a baby shower.
Click here for instructions on how to use the Darning and Embroidery boxed set.
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