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Stocking Darner, Singer (Vintage Original)

Sale price$ 49.95


This item will earn you 149 POINTS in Sewciety Rewards.
Singer Stocking Darner to use with any sewing machine to darn those stockings or socks!

Singer Stocking Darner to use with any sewing machine to darn those stockings or socks!

This vintage original Singer Accessory will accommodate all Sewing Machines, even non-Singer Sewing Machines!

You will also need an
Embroidery Attachment and Feed Cover Plate (or have a machine that can lower the feed dogs) to use the Stocking Darner as photographed.

Darner finish (black or chromium), style & availability as well as the box condition may vary based on current inventory. Please email us if you would like specifics as to what is in stock.

Embroidery Attachment & Feed Cover Plate are not included, but are available separately. 


At the request of a customer awhile back, I decided to demonstrate this attachment and show it actually being used.  I think you will not only find it useful but probably entertaining.  In these days of being economically mindful, impress yourself (and your family!) by repairing holey socks in a pinch.  Especially fun for the vintage purists who want to darn or mend the old fashioned way!  Please view photographs for details. You can also click here to see the vintage instructions on how to use the Stocking Darner. 

This Singer Stocking Darner is a wonderful invention. It will save you time and give satisfaction for its provision!

So let's learn to "Darn It!" ... That's what you ought to do at once - as soon as you see a little hole, to make the proverbial stitch that saves nine. But how many of us do it? Darning is one of those tiresome jobs that all the outgoing members of a family seem to think is the duty of the stay-at-home one. However, it is these "out-goers" that can financially contribute, perhaps, to this Singer Stocking Darner, by increasing the life of their household goods and saving the replacement costs many times over; for darning has now become a pleasure, instead of being put off. 


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