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Article: X-Ray of a Singer Featherweight 221

X-Ray of a Singer Featherweight 221


Singer Featherweight 221 X-Ray

Isn't this fascinating?  A customer sent this image to us after her machine was x-rayed recently.  I have had my Featherweight go through several scanners at the airport in the past, but didn't think to ask about getting a photograph.  The owner of this Singer 221 was fortunate enough to get a photo of the X-Ray and share it so we could all see "right through" the machine.  Interesting how the aluminum becomes transparent compared to the steel handwheel, gears etc.    You can see the inner workings of the foot controller, too, with the ceramic block and the electrical wires.

So, tell us what you think and share with us the strange things you have had the opportunity to see with X-Ray vision.