My New Cyber Friend

I'd like to introduce to you my new Cyber-Friend. Her name is Sharyn Sowell and we met by happenstance. Her artwork is beautiful, her ideas are fabulous, but most importantly, her kindred Christian spirit is ever lovely.
You will probably be seeing a lot of her artwork on different things in the months and years to come. She specializes in silhouettes and does it all by hand. Yes - she cuts all the paper artwork with her hand scissors and specialty tools.
AND, she even has an antique printing press that she uses!!! I received the loveliest Christmas card that I will forever save. As I was visiting with a friend the other night we even stumbled across an old article in Home Companion by Mary Engelbreit (December 2003) all about Sharyn. So, if you save your old magazines like me - go back and look... it's a wonderful write-up.
Anyway, I do hope you view her website, peruse, enjoy and maybe send her a comment of hello. I will be adding a 'button' with her logo to my sidebar soon.