The "Collection"
Many of you are already aware that back in December we obtained a very rare Featherweight collection and that has been commissioned to sell them in the coming weeks and months.

This was quite a fun adventure and getting prepared to make the Featherweights available has been a long time coming…. are you getting excited that we are finally now here!!? I know we are!
Several of you have asked for more details about the person who had collected all these wonderful Featherweights. Well, for the most part the collector has asked to remain “behind the scenes", but what we are able to tell you is that the collector is actually a “they” ~ a husband and wife. She is an accomplished quilter with some exquisite quilts of her own! He had collected old cars but the two of them really enjoyed collecting the rare Featherweights together, which began about 20 years ago. After owning and enjoying each rare machine, Mr. & Mrs. “Collector” have decided now that these special Featherweights should be made available to others who will continue to enjoy their scarcity.
When we alerted the Featherweight Community of the available collection, we received several requests for certain machines, badges, etc. Therefore, we conferred with Mr. & Mrs. Collector, and have now all decided that the best and fairest way to offer them (so that all interested parties have enough time and chance at each machine) is to take the highest offer within a week's time period for each Featherweight with a disclosed minimum price. Each machine will be featured for one week, right here on the blog, and during that time interested parties will submit his or her highest offer by contacting us directly. After the week has finished, then the machine will be sold to the highest offer with payment required within 24 hours either by credit card or Paypal. If for some reason the machine does not sell, then it will be made available on the website on a first come, first serve basis at the price set.
First machine we will offer will be the Wrinkle / Crinkle Finish Featherweight. Photos are being taken tomorrow, stay tuned!