DIY Quilt at The Featherweight Shop ~ Part 6

It was time to pick some flowers from my garden before the end of the season! We have a beautiful yellow rose bush that gave us the most amazing roses this year. They have just a hint of pink creating a luscious peach hue when they begin to bloom. Flowers do have such a way of brightening up a room!
Catch up on the previous DIY Vintage Featherweight Blue & Cream Star Quilt HERE
Suggested Products & Notions
Miss Rosies Cake Mix #9
1 Layer Cake + 1 Charm Pack + 2 3/4 Yards Low Volume
12" x 18" Reversible Cutting Mat
Itty Bitty Eights Creative Grids Ruler
Creative Grids 2 1/2 x 12" Ruler
Olfa Rotary Cutter
Glass Head Pins
Quilter's Pressing Fleece
Thread Snips
Magnetic Pin Dish
Sewline Water Erasable Pen
Featherweight Accurate Seam Square
Featherweight Accurate Seam Guide
*More Information On Fabrics Used In Quilt Located In Footnotes Of Blog
We are halfway through our blocks! Now that we are familiar with the layout of the patterns, there is only a slight variation. Pick your pieces and layout your block for sewing. Our first step will be piecing the four corner square sections, as we have done in the previous installments. Instead of creating "flags" in the four corners, we will be creating sideways hourglasses or bowties. Aren't they adorable? I will be using this block as my center block for my quilt!
Pick your pieces and layout your block for sewing. Our first step will be piecing the four corner square sections, as we have done in the previous installments.

Start folding from the left to the right, just like a book! Keep your pieces in place to keep organized. Right sides together.

As you sew these, chain piecing comes in handy to expedite the process. Press your seams open and move on to the next step!

Mesh your seams on the center seam (right where I am pointing) and pin on each side! This will keep your points nice and tidy!

Right back to chain piecing! I was so happy when I learned how to do this trick. It cut down on so much time (instead of starting, stopping, cutting every piece!) Read a great tutorial "Chain, Chain, Snip, Snip" by April on how she taught her daughter, Ruthie, to chain piece here.

After your corner squares are sewn and pressed, lay out your block one more time to make sure that all your squares are going the direction they need to be! I am going to let you in on a little secret, I had to re-take the final photo on this block since I did not pay close attention to the direction of one of my bow-ties! I had to un-sew and re-sew the entire row! Attention to detail is key!

After your rows are laid out, begin sewing! You are almost there!

Time to press your seams open! Just look at how perfectly those little points are coming together.

It is looking so pretty! I just love the blue and cream combination.

Time to mesh the seams together, pin on both sides of the seam, and sew your three rows together!

Wonderful job! I am sure you can see at the top of my top row the little "flip" in the fabric. That was from my "un-sewing" due to the error of mistaking the direction of my bow tie! Keep a close watch on the direction of the points!

See you next week for our Do It Yourself Sew Along: Miss Rosie's Cake Mix #9 ~ Part 7 Block 4
Footnotes: Additional Fabric Suggestions
White or "Light" Fabric from Edyta Sitar's Collection.
3 Yards Total of "Block" Fabric:

Medium Blue Fabric from Edyta Sitar's Collection: Shop HERE
Dark Blue Fabric from Edyta Sitar's Collection: Shop HERE
1 Yard Total of "Charm Pack" Fabric:

Dark Blue Fabric from Edyta Sitar's Collection: Shop HERE
1 Yard of "Sashing" Fabric:

White or "Light" Fabric from the Bella Solids Collection
2 Yards of "Border" Fabric:

Medium Blue Fabric from Edyta Sitar's Collection: Shop HERE