DIY Quilt at The Featherweight Shop ~ Part 7
Welcome back to the Do It Yourself Sew Along: Miss Rosie's Cake Mix ~ Part 7 Block 4! How exciting is it that we are on our very last block construction of the quilt! I hope you are well on your way to creating a beautiful Star Quilt made up of your favorite fabrics! I always get excited when my piles of fabrics start to shrink as I work my way through the block construction. Especially when I see that I am nearing the end of certain color piles!
Suggested Products & Notions
Miss Rosies Cake Mix #9
1 Layer Cake + 1 Charm Pack + 2 3/4 Yards Low Volume
12" x 18" Reversible Cutting Mat
Itty Bitty Eights Creative Grids Ruler
Creative Grids 2 1/2 x 12" Ruler
Olfa Rotary Cutter
Glass Head Pins
Quilter's Pressing Fleece
Thread Snips
Magnetic Pin Dish
Sewline Water Erasable Pen
Featherweight Accurate Seam Square
Featherweight Accurate Seam Guide
*More Information On Fabrics Used In Quilt Located In Footnotes Of Blog
Time to lay out the little flags, similar to Blocks 1 & 2, but with the reversal of the dark sides of the flag. This creates the illusion of a lighter flag with a dark background. I like to play around with color placement, coming up with variations to the fun patterns, trying different directions on the flags. For this specific block, there will be a dark colored block (see the blue ditsy flowers) placed away from the center of the block (see the lower right block for proper placement) with the tip of the flag pointing toward the center of the block.
As with all the other blocks, begin from left to right, folding your bottom right square in your block over on top of itself, right sides together.
Do this with all four corner squares, preparing for chain piecing.
After you have chain pieced your initial 2" squares together, press your seams open, and replace your sewn HST back into place. Fold over one more time, as shown below. Align seams and pin into place!
Sew the darling little corner pieces right down the pinned seam, creating visually striking flag blocks! Make sure to place your flags pointing with the main arrow directed at the center of the block. Press your seams open, sew your blocks together to create three rows, as shown in the picture below.
After you have your three rows sewn, mesh your seams together, right sides facing eachother, and pin so there is little to no movement in the fabric.
I like to pin on both of the "intersections" where the points will be made! This will "mesh" up my points!
Sew along the long seam at a scant 1/4" measurement on both of your remaining seams.
Now that all of your seams have been sewn, it is time to press them open! This ensures that your block will lay nice and flat on your quilt.
Doesn't that just look beautiful! I love how this block came together with the offset of colors, variation of darks and lights, and composition of hues!
See you next week for our Do It Yourself Sew Along: Miss Rosie's Cake Mix ~ Part 8 Borders and Sashing!
Footnotes: Additional Fabric Suggestions
White or "Light" Fabric from Edyta Sitar's Collection.
3 Yards Total of "Block" Fabric:

Medium Blue Fabric from Edyta Sitar's Collection: Shop HERE
Dark Blue Fabric from Edyta Sitar's Collection: Shop HERE
1 Yard Total of "Charm Pack" Fabric:

Dark Blue Fabric from Edyta Sitar's Collection: Shop HERE
1 Yard of "Sashing" Fabric:

White or "Light" Fabric from the Bella Solids Collection
2 Yards of "Border" Fabric:

Medium Blue Fabric from Edyta Sitar's Collection: Shop HERE