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Article: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


After New York City our family took an 8-day break from the Featherweight Workshops to tour our Nation's capitol and historical sights.  The first place we visited was Philadelphia.  It just so happened to be around the July 4th weekend, so there were several things we would not have ordinarily had the opportunity to see any other time of year.  This also meant that there were considerable more crowds, so some of the most-desired historical sights were not available for us to see during our one-day visit in Philadelphia.

Independence Hall
Home of the Constitutional Convention

We took a horse-drawn carriage tour around the historic district of the city.

All buildings in the historic district of Philadelphia must be made of stone or brick to coincide with the originally constructed buildings.  The colonial style is so pretty and it was surreal to think that some of these homes were original to the founding fathers of our nation.

Former home of James Madison

Because of the Independence Day celebration there were quite a few happenings going on around the city.  We were able to watch a reenactment of the Delaware Regiment in front of Independence Hall.  We also enjoyed seeing several in costume, demonstrating dress, sewing, honing, survival, etc. during the time of the Revolutionary War.  Our forefathers were incredibly sophisticated and fastidious about detail in their apparel - and all skilled by hand!

Her clothes... his clothes ... were all made by hand, including the woven cloth.

Sewing a button by hand.... sure made me appreciate my Singer Buttonholer Attachment all the more!  No wonder it was such a high-dollar item back when it was invented.

Philadelphia was especially crowded on July 3rd - people were everywhere, gathering for the remembrance of our national holiday.  However, the one place that, to us, was surprisingly quiet with only a handful of people in attendance was the cemetery, containing the headstones of several of our founding fathers and citizens instrumental during that same time period.  It was surprising to us because the place was so rich with history, but most especially because it was a hands-on, up-close, personal experience!  Some of the headstones were so old, that they were completely worn and weathered from the centuries of exposure.  A few had been restored, but we could meander along the path, touching and reading several that still remain two and three-hundred years later.  We thoroughly enjoyed the serenity and "original" connection with the past.

Benjamin Franklin's grave is right next to the rod-iron fence near the outer sidewalk along the cemetery.  (Apparently, some have customarily tossed coins atop his marble gravestone.)

This photo was actually taken from an upper floor window in the US Mint across the street.  While photos were not permitted in and of the Mint itself, we were still just so mesmerized by the beauty and history of the cemetery (and so surprised with as many tourists as there were in Philadelphia that day that so few people were enjoying this place) that we had to take this photo from up above.

James Wilson, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, Maker of the Constitution as well as a Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court had his grave moved to Christ Church (another amazing historical building).


and..... we couldn't resist this photo opportunity ......

Carmon is not a crook!