Restore Along Part 32: Getting Ready To Paint Tulip!
Thank you for joining us on Tulip's journey! Due to unforeseen circumstances we are needing to pause this machine restore along of Julia's restoration of Tulip.
The Restore Along is back, and so is Julia, along with her Featherweights Tulip and Jill.
Last time, Julia successfully finished painting Jill with every coat required for the Soul Red Metallic look. Catch up on her previous work here in Restore Along Part 31! Now, it’s time to examine the results!
Julia removes the paint blockers from Jill to see how effective they were and finds three places where the paint stuck. The bare cardboard on the bottom on the left side, one spot on the needle plate where the color bridged across from the bed, and one area next to the toothpick filling the screw hole for the bobbin winder tensioner.
Since this round of paint was practice, the paint bleeding here and there isn’t a massive headache. Julia will be stripping all the paint off Jill for a new paint job later. Next time she’ll put some painter’s masking tape over the top of the cardboard, and put painter’s mask or tape around the edge of the needle plate and around the toothpick, which Julia expects will solve the issue.
For now, this paint job is more than good enough for Julia to move on to a few other things she wants to try.
Julia starts by sanding the paint in three different areas with two different grits of sandpaper - 1000 and 1500 - to see if she can sand out imperfections in the clear coat if needed.
She’ll have to apply one last clear coat to Jill to see how these sanded areas turn out, but first, there’s one last important detail: the decals!
Julia loves the look of those gold decals on the metallic red paint. Now Jill is ready for the final clear coat.
Since she’s already been sanding, Julia ends the day with some wet/dry sanding on Tulip’s base using 600 grit sandpaper.

There’s still plenty of work to do, but seeing Jill with those gold decals and Tulip this much closer to painting is undoubtedly exciting.
See you again next time!
Thank you for joining us on Tulip's journey! Due to unforeseen circumstances we are needing to pause this machine restore along of Julia's restoration of Tulip.