SHOP TALK: April's Closet Organization Tips
Welcome back to Shop Talk here at The Featherweight Shop! We love our local chit chat with staff, gathering around the dinette table so-to-speak (because that is what we have!) and sharing with one another. In these segments, we exchange patterns, recipes, organizational ideas, history quips, gardening tips, crafty projects, and smiles about learning an old-fashioned way of doing things. Shop Talk is the fun tidbits of news!

Welcome back to the organization of April's fabric nook! If you are just joining us, you can catch up on our last installment here: Tips to Keep Our Fabric Nook Organized. The book we are using for inspiration as we progress through organizing is the Scrappy Project Planner (now, out of print). Before we could begin cutting and organizing a scrappy fabric stash as outlined in the book, we first needed to do some housecleaning.... as you can obviously tell from the photos below.

Fabric, bundles, miscellaneous projects, old and new, were set on the floor because the shelves didn't have very much thoughtful organization.

It just kept going and going and going and April admits that finding something particular was becoming rather difficult.

The original organization had good intentions, though, as you can see from the color-separated fabric prints. These are mostly 30s reproduction prints.

The first thing we did was take everything out that was on the floor. That gave us workable space to then whittle away at sorting and purging anything not needed anymore.

It already looks more tidy!

This first section of shelving was first. April sorted through all her old patterns and books, kept what was relevant and divided loose items into baskets.

Moving on to the second set of shelving. This section was more relevant to notions and knick knacks. Important to keep some, but definitely down-sizing the excess.

The space is certainly looking more practical! If the shelves were not tucked away behind a closet door, and were more open in a sewing room, then adding quaint decorative curtains to them would be appropriate for simplicity and charm. But, we will save that for the "someday-sewing-room"!

Ruthie has her own shelving section as well. She was able to eliminate out-dated projects and prepare for new with her newly organized space.

Slowly but surely, we are still working through it. Until next time...