SHOP TALK: Tips To Keep Our Fabric Nook Organized
Welcome back to Shop Talk here at The Featherweight Shop! We love our local chit chat with staff, gathering around the dinette table so-to-speak (because that is what we have!) and sharing. In these segments, we share patterns, recipes, organizational ideas, history quips, gardening tips, crafty projects, and smiles about learning an old-fashioned way of doing things. Shop Talk is the fun tidbits of news!
Last week, we began talking about sewing room organization, and some of the various tips and tricks that come along with it. As we began chit-chatting about all the excellent planning tips found in the Lori Holt Blog, April and Tammy decided to begin harmonizing April's Fabric Nook and apply some of these suggestions, as well as their own.
Read Last Week's Shop Talk: From Scraps To Quilts!
As they started sorting through fabric colors, sizes, patterns, and more, April proposed to use the Scrappy Project Planner to map out the process for how the Fabric Nook should be set in order.
The Scrappy Project Planner gives the 5 Steps for Organizing Your Fabric Stash as well as room to sketch out ideas, write down color swatches, and more. This quiet time at home can be a perfect time to start this type of planning!
While the nook designing was taking place, Tammy, our organization bee, came by and had a great recommendation about adding basket labels. These adorable printable, Vintage Labels were used down in the laundry room and food pantry to codify the bins, so a similar concept can be used to standardize the baskets in the Fabric Nook as well.

Organizing an entire fabric collection will take time and perseverance, but as progress is made, it will be easier to "shop the stash" with everything properly sorted and labeled. We will continue to share updates as the process completes.
Do you have any hints or ideas that you have incorporated to your fabric storage? If so, please share in the comments.