SHOP TALK: Creative Bobbin Storage Ideas
Welcome back to Shop Talk here at The Featherweight Shop! We love our local chit chat with staff, gathering around the dinette table so-to-speak (because that is what we have!) and sharing with one another. In these segments, we exchange patterns, recipes, organizational ideas, history quips, gardening tips, crafty projects, and smiles about learning an old-fashioned way of doing things. Shop Talk is the fun tidbits of news!

Bobbins, bobbins, bobbins, we all love bobbins! As we wind our bobbins, we need to store them and keep them organized. This makes finding our favorite threads much more simple for our next sewing project. Plus, when all our bobbins are in order, we can see which colors are needed, as well as which threads need to be wound.
For the organizational tip of the week, we take a look at an oldie but goodie tip from The Featherweight Shop! After all the mask sewing that we have done here at the shop, we have wound quite a few bobbins! One of the storage tips that came in quite handy was bobbin storage.
1. Pre-wind your bobbin
2. Pop the cap off your Featherweight Shop bobbin holder
3. Fill your tube up with your wound bobbins!
Tip: Both ends pop off the tube so when you run out of thread on a bobbin, put it back in on the "empty" side to keep track of your bobbins and how many "wound" ones you have left!
Purchase Empty Bobbin Holder HERE.