SHOP TALK: Organizing the Home
Welcome back to Shop Talk here at The Featherweight Shop! We love our local chit chat with staff, gathering around the dinette table so-to-speak (because that is what we have!) and sharing with one another. In these segments, we exchange patterns, recipes, organizational ideas, history quips, gardening tips, crafty projects, and smiles about learning an old-fashioned way of doing things. Shop Talk is the fun tidbits of news!

We are cleaning out more areas of the home, bringing order to the disorderly. A few items came to our attention for their ingenuity! Extra cords and papers are two items that always seem to be in abundance in our homes, so what are some of the clever life hacks that cut down the clutter? Nifty from Buzzfeed created a brilliant list of tips, two of which highlighted extra cords and papers! Let's take a look.
Keep every single cord, in a clearly labeled box, in a single location. This way, whenever you are looking for a type of cord, you will know where it is (and can find it!)
Get rid of that drawer (or box) full of important papers by placing each item in a labeled notebook. There will be no wondering where the "important" papers are!