Arrasene Embroidery & Darning Foot, Singer (Vintage Original)
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This little original Singer embroidery attachment is a very scarce vintage accessory to collect for the Singer Featherweight. In 11 years, I have only ever had one complete set. Very, very hard to find! Used mainly for "thread-painting" and embroidery details.
With the right instruction, feed-dogs covered or lowered, and the appropriate embroidery attachment, Machine Embroidery can be rather artistic!
You can start out simple because everything, as you know, takes practice.
Take note of the following before you begin:
#1 ~ Attach a feed dog cover plate or put your feed dogs in neutral. (Raising the stitch regulator so that it sticks straight out or parallel to the floor will cause your feed dogs to neither go forward or backward and stitch in a stationary position.) Beginners usually find it easier to just cover the feed dogs.
#2 ~ Attach the foot to the machine using your regular thumb screw. This is not a "hopping" foot like modern embroidery foot, but rather the foot is more of a guide while you "paint" with thread, creating beautiful stitchery and thread art. Simply attach the foot and slide the foot up or down.
#3 ~ Prepare your fabric with proper stabilizer and place it in the hoop for machine embroidery.
#4 ~ Draw a pattern or use an iron on transfer. This is a slow, artistic practice, and not something you will be doing with speed. Give it a try!
(#5 ~ Having a tube of motor lubricant is wise, too, because as the motor heats up it will wick the grease, lubricating the appropriate parts inside the motor.)
We recommend the 4" or 6" machine embroidery hoop for use on the Singer Featherweight 221. Anything larger is going to run into the motor area.
Instructions for use will be included.
LOW SHANK: fits the Singer Featherweight 221 & 222K and all low, vertical shank Sewing Machines (i.e. 15, 27, 28, 66, 99, 185, 127, 128, 192, 201, etc.).
Embroidery Plate & Hoop are not included, but you can order them here.
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