April 1930's ~ First Blogger Post

My Dear Stitchery Friends,
First, I need to thank my friends, Karen & Tammy, for breaking trail here in posting-world and allowing me the familiarity to get started. I'm actually kind of excited to have a "first post". And, for this debut, I thought I'd make it easy and copy and paste my e-bay page.
So, here goes . . .
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I am so glad you have clicked over to read further "About Me" and to know a little bit about who I am and what I represent as owner of April1930's.
Honestly, I like to still consider myself fairly young. I am happily married to the sweetest husband of 10 years with two of the most adorable children ever! Of course I'm partial ~ I'm their mama! Our children (son, age 6, and daughter, age 2), bring much joy to our hearts and we are completely blessed. I thank the Lord for their darlingness everyday, but I still ask sometimes if my children could just "stay little for mama".
With all of that said I will now tell you about my passionate interests.
If it's old, antique, or vintage - I love it... not only do I love the item itself, but I also love the histor y or sentiments behind it. In my quest for antiques I've learned that quality today is nothing like it was in bygone days. Things were actually made to last back then. I am always thrilled when I can find a vintage item and make use for it practically. {If you were to come to my house you would find that it is like walking into the 1930s and 1940s! Why buy new when you can use vintage and be unique?!} This holds true to most things, actually. . . and most definitely includes Singer Sewing Machines. We all know Singer is not the same today as it was 40 years ago and longer.

Let me quote an old Singer booklet for you . . .
"Over a hundred years have passed since our great-great-grandmother's welcomed the first SINGER Sewing Machine....from its primitive beginnings, model followed model, each adding refinements and mechanical improvements. The tradition of engineering skill, finish and design is just as proudly upheld today as at any time throughout the long history of SINGER. Every sewing machine bearing the name SINGER is built to the highest standard of mechanical perfection, and is backed by unrivaled service."
It is this statement that I still want to represent along with the vintage
darlingness of yesteryear. I have often said I was born in the wrong generation. I do all of my sewing on my Featherweight. I just love Featherweight to pieces! There are times I could just hug my little 221 and 222K.

Your Stitchery Friend,
P.S. I'm always looking for the rare and unique Singer Sewing item to present to my buyers each week. Do you have what I'm looking for? E-mail me directly.