The Featherweight Review
News, Inspiration & More
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Christian, the Sewing Machine Guy
Many of you met our son, Christian, when we were on our Singer Featherweight Maintenance Workshop Tour in the summer of 2016. He charmed the sweet, lovely ladies and enjoyed being their personal Featherweight technician for each class. Yesterday, while flipping through some old photos I foun...
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Hello, everyone... I am gathering more 'stories' for our Reminisce category. I have had so many people e-mail me their stories in the past and I've collected a few here and there... and, I've met so many sewing friends here in blogdom, that I want more Stitchery Friends to share their story, too...
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To my dear, dear Stitchery Friends . . . if you want to know one thing I am absolutely passionate about, it is fabric. I just love fabric. The clip of this redhead rubbing the fabric up to her cheek – um, yes, this is entirely me (redhair and all). All my projects have to go through a fabric-wo...
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A little about Tootie . . . What is this machine that has all the appearances of a vintage Singer in shape and style, but . . . what? It comes apart? YES! It does – and it is supposed to do that. It is what is called the Featherweight Freearm - quite rare in make and highly collectible. For ...
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Dear Stitchery Friends… Okay – this is my little moment of sew-n-show . . . I sewed the darling little Easter dress above for my daughter using my beloved Tootie (my 222K Featherweight for those of you who are not familiar with this model), which name came by way of the help of my friend Kar...
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April 1930's ~ First Blogger Post
My Dear Stitchery Friends, First, I need to thank my friends, Karen & Tammy, for breaking trail here in posting-world and allowing me the familiarity to get started. I'm actually kind of excited to have a "first post". And, for this debut, I thought I'd make it easy and copy and paste my e...
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