DIY Quilt at The Featherweight Shop ~ Part 5
Welcome back! I am tickled with all of this quilting, autumn weather, and anticipation for the holiday season! As I am writing this, we are having a very much-needed storm up in the Idaho foothills. There has been so much smoke from the fires burning this fire season that all the kid's soccer games have even been canceled! Let's hope this rain keeps up!
Catch up on the DIY Featherweight Pathwork Quilt Part 3 Here.
Suggested Products & Notions
Miss Rosies Cake Mix #9
1 Layer Cake + 1 Charm Pack + 2 3/4 Yards Low Volume
12" x 18" Reversible Cutting Mat
Itty Bitty Eights Creative Grids Ruler
Creative Grids 2 1/2 x 12" Ruler
Olfa Rotary Cutter
Glass Head Pins
Quilter's Pressing Fleece
Thread Snips
Magnetic Pin Dish
Sewline Water Erasable Pen
Featherweight Accurate Seam Square
Featherweight Accurate Seam Guide
*More Information On Fabrics Used In Quilt Located In Footnotes Of Blog

After you have decided on your color combinations, line up your squares for your foldovers like we reviewed last week in Block 1! Make sure to fold from left to right and begin chain piecing. Make sure that your seam is set for a scant 1/4" seam.

After the first half of the squares for your outer corner blocks are sewn and pressed, lay your blocks out again to confirm that all pieces are ready for the next step!

Just like the last step, fold your square strips from left to right, just like a book so your right sides are facing each other.

Mesh your seams and pin on both sides of the seam, ensuring that your fabric does not shift. Sew your center seam on your outer four squares. Chain piecing makes this step go so much faster!

Press all seams open and continue to sew each of the three blocks into a single row. As with Block 1, be careful about the flag placement as it is quite easy to turn these in the wrong direction!

The hourglass on this block stands "up" in the top and bottom row, while it lays on its side on the middle row! What a fun design.

Mesh up your seams, pin, and sew your rows together.

The finished block should have an on point square in the center of the block. Pressing all the seams open will also allow for more tidy points.

Congratulations on completing Block 2! We will see you next week for Do It Yourself Sew Along: Miss Rosie's Cake Mix #9 ~ Part 6 Block 3
Footnotes: Additional Fabric Suggestions
White or "Light" Fabric from Edyta Sitar's Collection.
3 Yards Total of "Block" Fabric:

Medium Blue Fabric from Edyta Sitar's Collection: Shop HERE
Dark Blue Fabric from Edyta Sitar's Collection: Shop HERE
1 Yard Total of "Charm Pack" Fabric:

Dark Blue Fabric from Edyta Sitar's Collection: Shop HERE
1 Yard of "Sashing" Fabric:

White or "Light" Fabric from the Bella Solids Collection
2 Yards of "Border" Fabric:

Medium Blue Fabric from Edyta Sitar's Collection: Shop HERE