Motor Care & Conversion

The only part of a Singer Featherweight likely to deteriorate in use is the electric motor – and let's face it, many of these machines can be 50+ years old! Therefore, it is essential that you properly maintain and care for it.
1.) NEVER put oil in your motor.
2.) LUBRICATE it with a proper low-melting-point lubricant.
3.) Make sure your belt is not too tight. If the belt is too tight, it can strain the motor unnecessarily. Click here for a tutorial on how to properly adjust your Featherweight belt.
Electrical Conversions 220-240-to-110 and 110-to-220-240 volts

REWINDING SERVICE: The Featherweight Shop is now offering this highly technical motor rewinding service to our customers. This electrically engineered, professional process takes several hours to complete, yet maintains the original aesthetics of the Featherweight motor and keeps original components with the machine. Rewound motors would be compared to an automobile motor overhaul - like getting a brand new motor internally, but maintaining the original exterior. They are extremely powerful, and will keep your Singer Featherweight sewing into the next generation while retaining its vintage Singer originality! Each rewound motor comes with a 2-year warranty. Click here to watch a video showing the speed and power of one of our rewound motors and then contact us here for details on how to disassemble the motor and for additional details on how to order this upgraded motor service.
Conversion Options Compared:
1.) The add-on black box -- Step-up / Step-down Converter Box, minimum of 100 watt.
Advantages - Cost, it’s the least expensive option at around $30 with no adverse reports of the recommended 100-watt (minimum) converter.
Disadvantages - It’s bulky and something else to carry around with the machine (and have to be explained at quilt classes). If kept in with the machine case, extra care will need taken to make sure it does not rub or harm the finish of the Featherweight surface. Original 220 voltage of the machine will always need to be kept in mind when ordering light bulbs.
2.) The full motor replacement -- with an original Featherweight 110-volt motor
Advantages - Plug in and sew with no additional bits and pieces. Because the original motors we sell are fully serviced by us, we guarantee them for one year. There are no external alterations at all to degrade the value of the machine.
Disadvantages - Cost. It’s more expensive at $170.00 or more.
3.) Having your original Featherweight motor rewound (our recommendation!)
Advantages - Plug in and sew with no additional bits and pieces. Because the original motors are fully rewound and serviced by us, we guarantee them for two years. There are no external alterations at all to degrade the value of the machine.
Disadvantages - Cost. The service is more expensive (prices range from $180-$250 depending on the motor's interior components), but all-in-all a rewound Featherweight motor is still the best option. It maintains the most originality and provides a superior running machine - like having a brand new motor!
Contact us here for details.
*All 222 machines that we sell have the full motor conversion at no extra charge.