Singer Featherweight

Singer Featherweight Certificate of Ownership
The Singer Featherweight sewing machine emerged October 3rd, 1933, capturing hearts with its compact design and exceptional functionality. A few Featherweights today still have their original receipts and guarantee certificates; however, most machines have lost all documentation connecting them t...
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Featherweight Marketing Through The Eyes of Singer
Take a step back in time and view this trove of original Singer advertisements featuring the Featherweight! See ads from all over the world marketing the Black, Tan and White Featherweights as well as the 222K. The Black Featherweight 221: This is possibly the most concise advertising pa...
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Original Featherweight Tables and Cabinets
Singer tables were what any 1940s homemaker would have wanted to accompany her machine: an adaptable table for sewing or hosting! Below is a cute ad from Singer, marketing the different ways one of their tables could be used... Pinochle anyone? Today, some of the most collectible sewing machin...
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Singer Featherweight Advertisements
There were many Singer Featherweight advertisements over the years and we hope to share quite a few of those with you here. If you happen to have a unique one that you do not see listed, please contact us, because we would like to feature it for all to enjoy in the Featherweight Community. Singer...
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