Featherweight Marketing Through The Eyes of Singer

Take a step back in time and view this trove of original Singer advertisements featuring the Featherweight! See ads from all over the world marketing the Black, Tan and White Featherweights as well as the 222K.
The Black Featherweight 221:
This is possibly the most concise advertising pamphlet for the Featherweight. Singer shows all the benefits - from portability to a cabinet or table.
A Canadian B&W magazine clipping from 1950.
This 1950 ad in the Ladies Home Journal shows a unique lifestyle illustration with the Featherweight.
I wonder if anyone still has a Singer Featherweight they won in the 1958 Toronto Weekly? And 2,100 buttonholers!
The majority of Featherweights were not sold in Canada; nevertheless, Singer was marketing them constantly. Here is another Canadian 1958 ad showing the Featherweight $20 OFF.
This large Christmas ad shows the Featherweight as "The most popular portable in the whole world!"
In most all Singer ads there is a short warning towards the bottom encouraging customers to shop only at authentic "Singer Sewing Centers".
A cute 1950s Singer Christmas ad.
This fold-out ad is quite recognizable and features so many fun graphics of the Featherweight. Replicas of this beautiful ad can be purchased here.
A "smart" British ad with an accurate sketch of a Featherweight 221K and case.
Notice the Featherweight and all the other wonderful Singer Accessories like the Pinker and Iron featured in the image at the bottom of this advertisement.
This 1957 ad shows the 221 Featherweight, and it teases the 222K convertible model.
This is an absolutely stunning Italian ad featuring the Featherweight in Italy. Click here to see if we have any of these original ads for sale.
This 1953 Canadian ad has a rare sketch showing the entire Featherweight table.
The Details on this French advertisement are remarkable!
This 1949 "Ladies Home Journal" ad illustrates a woman sewing and wearing the fashion of the late 1940s.
This early USA folding ad features the Featherweight 'nearly' exclusively as the 24-80 can also be seen.
Singer was oh, so proud of their 100 year anniversary, and their advertisements showed it all over the world.
"First in dependability and service!"
This ad features a large illustration of the Featherweight. If you look closely, you can see a decal underneath the badge reading "Made in Canada". Click here to read more about the mystery of the Canadian Featherweights.
This stunning 1949 ad features the Featherweight on the table as well as the 68 cabinet.
A Quebec, CA ad from 1950 (Singer's 99th year) written in French.
This 1949 US Singer ad shows the Featherweight being inserted into a table.
This bright-colored ad has the Featherweight situated underneath the Christmas tree. (What happened to those 4,000+ Singer service cars!?!)
This lifestyle illustration shows a woman threading the needle on her Featherweight.
This US ad from 1951 displays the Featherweight in use with its table. Upon close inspection, you can see that the Featherweight is being used with a Blind-Stitch Attachment.
This French pamphlet gives us a look back at the "glory days" of Singer and their "Corner Sewing Centers".
This 1949 US add proclaims that the Featherweight outsells any other sewing machine model in the world!
This Canadian ad in French illustrates the Featherweight with a Christmas bow.
This ad in the "Successful Farming" magazine of 1949 shows the Featherweight in the table, and just below that is the Featherweight Maple 68 Cabinet.
According to Singer, the Featherweight "behaves like an angel!" This is one of the cutest Featherweight ads - depicting a loving husband giving his wife a Featherweight for Christmas.
Shown above is a unique French advertisement displaying the 221K.
A 1949 Canadian Singer Ad written in French.
This is another Canadian ad in French; the lifestyle illustrations with the Featherweight are timeless!
This 1948 Christmas Ad in the Canadian Home Journal shows the Featherweight illustrated on a Christmas ornament.
This bright Canadian ad written in French was featured in "La Revue Populaire" (The Popular Magazine) in 1950.
We all know how Singer's slogan, "It's built to last for a lifetime," has held true.
This rare full-page Featherweight Ad was taken out in the "Canadian Home Journal" when the Featherweight was first being sold in Canada. "The most versatile Sewing Machine ever made."
This small Featherweight illustration was shown in 1948 in the "Canadian Home Journal."
A rare French ad featuring the Featherweight and an adorable sketch of a Singer salesman selling notions and an oil can.
While there isn't a Featherweight machine in the ad, there is the Featherweight 68 cabinet.
This rare ad from Brazil is further proof that the Featherweight was sold all over the world.
In this UK ad, Singer markets the ability to take a machine home for a week for free!
This US ad features a Featherweight 68 Cabinet.
These Portuguese/Brazilian ads are quite unique. Notice the three small illustrations on the right with the Featherweight displayed in the table.
Susie's mom has a Featherweight!
Singer will always be most famous for its straight stitch machines.
I wonder how many wedding dresses were sewn on the Featherweight?
The Tan Featherweight 221
This 1963 ad in "Life magazine" gives us a look at what the average price for a Featherweight was during the 1960s. $154.50 - converts to almost $1,300 today!
The price of the Tan Featherweight was slightly lower in 1961 than in 1963.
The White Featherweight 221K
It is obvious that Singer updated their illustrations with the changing times of the 1960s. These ads show that Singer also started producing TVs and phonographs during this time period.
Shown above is a UK leaflet from Singer featuring the White Featherweight 221K.
A Canadian ad in French featuring the new machines and styles of the 1960s.
The Featherweight 222K
This pamphlet from Singer clearly shows the free-arm 222K Featherweight convertible with the bed off and on.
This is a rare Canadian advertisement for the Featherweight 222 with a free Automatic Zigzagger.
This cute drawing shows the Free-Arm 222K sitting on display in a Singer store.
Here's a fun Italian ad featuring both the 221 and 222K.
Something is a little odd in this Swedish advertisement featuring the 222K. The 222K has a Centennial badge! I am not sure why Singer had this badge on the 222K in this advertisement as a 222K has never been seen with an original Centennial badge. Click here to purchase an English replica of this fold-out 222K advertisement.
The 'Electrique' 222K looks great against the green background in this ad.
All these ads are so reminiscent, showing the fashions and marketing slogans Singer used many years ago. They prove how the Featherweight has been heralded and loved throughout the decades.
If you have an original Singer scan featuring the Featherweight that is not shown here, and you would like to include in this post, contact us.