Singer Featherweight Certificate of Ownership
The Singer Featherweight sewing machine emerged October 3rd, 1933, capturing hearts with its compact design and exceptional functionality. A few Featherweights today still have their original receipts and guarantee certificates; however, most machines have lost all documentation connecting them to their original owners. We have designed this darling certificate for you to begin or maintain the ownership details of your machine!
Documenting Authenticity
The vintage replica Certificate of Ownership is more than a mere receipt; it's a record of your machine's serial number, model, and commission date. It remains a vital piece of history for collectors, validating the machine's place in the Singer Featherweight legacy.
Click the link below to download and print the editable certificate. Enter your Featherweight details in each box noting your name, the machine's model number 221 or 222K, serial number and the commission date. Click here to obtain the commission date for your Featherweight and see where its serial number is located.
NOTE: If the exact commission date is a bit obscure (Singer records were incomplete for some years), then make an estimated guess based on the serial number prefix and corresponding charts at the link above.
Download Your Certificate Here
For vintage sewing machine enthusiasts, the replica Certificate of Ownership is a gem. Owning a vintage replica certificate elevates the machine's provenance, making it more than just a sewing tool, but a tangible connection for those in the future to reminisce about today.
Have other Singer models in your collection? Then we have certificates for your machine as well! Pick from the following two certificate styles to record, print and frame for your sewing room. The ISMACS charts will be relevant to obtain commission data for other Singer models (Featherweight specific charts are linked here).
- Click on the certificate image of your choice to download and save the certificate to your device.
- Open the file on your device (it may automatically load for you) and fill in the data boxes highlighted.
- Click the printer option in the opened file, making sure to select the landscape format (not the standard portrait format), and print in full-color. The entire certificate along with all the vintage memorabilia and images will then print correctly.
- If you are still unable to print the certificate from your device, then send this webpage link to your local printer and they can print it in full color for you for a small fee.