How to Wind a Singer Featherweight Bobbin (Getting to Know Your Featherweight, Part 1)
How to Wind a Singer Featherweight Bobbin
Not quite sure where to start with your new-to-you Singer Featherweight 221? Then let's get started with our new series "Getting to Know Your Featherweight", where our 12-year-old daughter, Ruthie Henry, goes through the pages of her instruction manual and guides us along with where to begin and how to get familiar with this classic Singer Sewing Machine.... Part 1, Winding a Bobbin
Suggested Products:
1) Crosswound Spool of thread: Aurifil or Presencia
2) Thread Stand or Thread Post
3) Bobbins
4) Thread Cutterz or Thread Snips
5) Singer Featherweight Instruction Manual 221 or 222