Christmas 2023 GIVEAWAY - Art Deco Green Singer Featherweight 221 - Fully Restored

Congratulations to the 2023
Featherweight Shop
Machine Giveaway Winner!
Amber Targgart
from Garrett, Indiana
This Singer Featherweight 221 is absolutely stunning in this Art Deco Green color! Completely restored inside and out - this Featherweight 221 will be ready to sew right out of the case.
This machine has an original 110v motor that has been rewound to work at optimum speed and torque, so you can plug it in and begin sewing here in the USA. Each one of our restored and repainted machines receive hours upon hours of personal care in their disassembly, painting process, reassembly, stitch sampling and overall Featherweight preparation.
- Art Deco Green with Black Paperclip Decals, Serial Number AM186***
Commissioned on June 10th, 1955. - Stunning Restored 221 Featherweight
$2225.00 value!
- Replica Case
Original Foot Controller
Basic Attachments:
(Ruffler, Narrow Hemmer, Adjustable Hemmer, Shirrer, Multi-Slotted Binder, and Edge Stitcher)
Replica Manual
Schmetz Microtex Needles
- Small Spool of Aurifil Thread
Sew-Retro Oil Bottle
Sew-Retro Grease & Motor Lubricant
Red Felt
- Five (5) Extra Bobbins
Large & Small Screwdrivers
- Stitch Sample from your machine assuring you of a quality stitch
Thread Post
Maintenance Log Book
- Case Tote Bag
*No purchase required. This giveaway is open beginning Friday, November 24th, 2023, to the legal residents of the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, and the United Kingdom; void where prohibited by law. All entries are collected securely and only at After information is entered in the secure giveaway entry portal above, no additional steps are necessary to enter giveaway. No additional information or entry will be requested before or after the giveaway is closed on December 12th, 2023. The Featherweight Shop Facebook profile @featherweightshop, Instagram profile @featherweightshop and Telegram profile @featherweightshop are the official profiles for the "Christmas 2023 Custom Painted Singer Featherweight 221 Giveaway". We will NEVER request personal information through any social media profiles. All official giveaway entries will only be collected through this giveaway web page on our official website. You may enter only once per day and you must accurately fill in all the information requested.