Workshop in Woodstock, Georgia

Martha - cleaning her Featherweight felt drip pan tray.
These pans can become quite sticky with oil and grease so she cleaned hers before adhering a new felt drip pad.
Oiling time!
One thing to note -- sometimes if a hook assembly has not been oiled regularly throughout its lifetime, it can get stiff from metal dust and fragmentation. This can "sound" like a quiet machine at first sight, however, once you begin to properly clean and oil the area, it may take on a different "sound" than you're used to. Sometimes this sound will be less clackety and sometimes it will free things up and actually accentuate the movement caused from metal wear. This is all normal and continued oiling will definitely help reduce further wear. Rest assured, so long as the stitch is forming properly and you've oiled and lubricated in all the correct places, your machine will be in much better running condition.
Janell oiling her Featherweight.
Christian is assisting Sharyl with her motor height and belt adjustment.
This is the beginnings of a case restoration.
Christian showing Becky the process of lubricating the upper gears. After oiling and lubricating, give the handwheel a good spin, it should spin free and smooth.
Jody and Carolyn learning the maintenance process - it was a fun day getting all greasy!
Linda and Agatha peeking into the top of their machine.
Nancy spinning her Featherweight handwheel, with Amanda far in the background reading more about her new Motor & Gear Lubricant.
Carmon assisting Jan while having a look under the needle plate.
Christian assisting Denise while Robin watches as the motor is adjusted to the proper height for optimum speed.
(These ladies spoiled us with yummy candy treats!)
It was a wonderful two days and the class participants learned a great deal! It was so much fun to see and meet all these class members in person... especially as we have chatted again since then on our Facebook Group. We love having faces with names!
Our next stop was Nashville, Tennessee ... stay tuned for more recaps!