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Article: Memphis, Tennessee - July 2016

Memphis, Tennessee - July 2016

road trip

Towards the end of July, 2016, we visited Memphis, Tennessee for the next Singer Featherweight Maintenance Workshop on our nationwide tour. 

Novice Singer Featherweight Maintenance 221 222K Workshop

Growing up and living in Idaho, cockroaches are a thing we do not have the opportunity to experience.  We have other things, of course, but not cockroaches.  So, when we pulled into the hotel parking lot, only to find them lurking and moving at our every move, it was quite an experience (and I am sure we would have been great entertainment for the locals!)  Ruthie and I stood guard on the utility trailer while Carmon and Christian unloaded to make sure none got past the gate!  Granted, we are aware there are different species and some would call these a tree bug of some sort, but I assure you, in our unknown world of roaches, and this large of a pest, these would fit our cockroach classification as they hung around the manhole covers in swarms!

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We made no delays, of course, because we had a workshop in the morning!  So, we unpacked the trailer, set up the workshop and eagerly anticipated our next {much more} welcome guests!

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Novice Singer Featherweight Maintenance 221 222K Workshop

Novice Singer Featherweight Maintenance 221 222K Workshop

Learning about the proper position of the bobbin case base finger on the underside of the throat plate.

Novice Singer Featherweight Maintenance 221 222K Workshop

Novice Singer Featherweight Maintenance 221 222K Workshop

Novice Singer Featherweight Maintenance 221 222K Workshop


Novice Singer Featherweight Maintenance 221 222K Workshop

Case refurbishing - before and after...

Learn more about how to do this yourself by clicking here >.

Novice Singer Featherweight Maintenance 221 222K Workshop

... and after!

Novice Singer Featherweight Maintenance 221 222K Workshop

Novice Singer Featherweight Maintenance 221 222K Workshop

Novice Singer Featherweight Maintenance 221 222K Workshop

Iaci, a fellow Featherweight Friend and facebook group participant (and lover of all things pink!) attended with her little "Pink Missy", as she so fondly refers to her Featherweight machine.

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Ruthie assisting with the machine oiling process...

Novice Singer Featherweight Maintenance 221 222K Workshop

Novice Singer Featherweight Maintenance 221 222K Workshop

One workshop participant brought their 1936 Singer Featherweight with the distinguishable bobbin tension bracket and slotted foot controller.

Find out more about these and other distinctives of the Singer Featherweight throughout the years on the Singer Featherweight Schoolhouse - found on the Featherweight Historical Timeline.