The Featherweight Review
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My Quilt from Great-Grandma Ruth
When I was a little girl, about 5-years-old, I took a trip with my parents to visit my Great-Grandma Ruth, who lived in a lovely little house on Queen Anne Hill in Seattle. It was a small craftsman style home, but very "English" in her style and nature. The front porch had a portable swing that I...
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Quilting a King Size Quilt on a Featherweight Machine
Recently, on our Singer Featherweight Facebook Group, Nancy Goff posted what she had recently made on her little Singer Featherweight. We were all stunned at her exquisite work and amazing accomplishment. I invited her to share her venture here on the blog because this was simply Featherweight ...
Read MoreMissouri Star Featherweight Maintenance Retreat Recap
Singer Featherweight Maintenance Workshop Retreatat the Missouri Star Quilt CompanyJune 20 - 22, 2016 We arrived in St. Joseph, Missouri on Sunday night and spent the evening with Dave and Sharon McCallum. (Dave is the producer and author of the Featherweight Maintenance DVD and Book.) We put...
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I am teaching my daughter to chain stitch piece, and she was fascinated that you could just “keep going” after stitching each small section without having to stop. So, when my close friend came over last week to do our weekly sewing and quilting day I caught her using her Thread Snips afte...
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Nothing like being under the weather with fever and sickies. I feel like I need to be doing something productive and yet just the thought of moving makes me close my eyes again. But thanks to mobile phone technology I can at least type this blog post with my thumbs and share with you abo...
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Best Sewing Machine for Young Child
A fellow Stitchery Friend of ours shared this picture of her granddaughter who had received her first Featherweight for Christmas. If that isn’t the best smile of excitement over her new sewing machine, I don’t know what is! I am certain this little girl will remember this day for the rest...
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This bias cutting technique has actually been around for quite some time. It wouldn't surprise me if it was something Mary Brooks Picken discovered all on her own when she assisted with the writing and publication of the old Singer Sewing Book. It's a simple trick, really, and makes use o...
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<!doctype html> Pockets can be tricky sometimes. You can take the time to cut perfectly but when trying to fold the excess seam allowance for rounded or curved corners, an angular edge can sometimes result no matter how detailed or careful you press. A long time ago I learned a trick...
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To my dear, dear Stitchery Friends . . . if you want to know one thing I am absolutely passionate about, it is fabric. I just love fabric. The clip of this redhead rubbing the fabric up to her cheek – um, yes, this is entirely me (redhair and all). All my projects have to go through a fabric-wo...
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