The Featherweight Review
News, Inspiration & More
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Why We Love Quilting ~ Happy National Quilting Day!
Here at The Featherweight Shop, we are overjoyed to have a day dedicated to the celebration and history of quilts! We always love a good reason to share our favorite quilting stories, patterns, fabrics and more! National Quilt Day came to be on June 22, 1991 in Lincoln, NE during the 22nd Ann...
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Happy Valentine's Day from The Featherweight Shop Love is meant to be shared.... So, The Featherweight Shop has put together a lovely collection for Valentine's Day - whether you are shopping for that special quilty friend or want to order something that's sweet on you, for your own Featherweigh...
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Sew Along: BLOCK 10, 11, 12, 13 & Finish Sewing North to Alaska by Featherweight
Confession time and apologies... I somehow lost the photos to some of the step-by-step blogging I was going to use to finish this series as separate posts, and I sincerely apologize! Good news, though - this blog post will encompass as much of the remaining block photos I could find as well as t...
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Sew Along: BLOCK 9 Sewing North to Alaska by Featherweight
It is so exciting - our quilt block stack should now total 32 after completing all of Block 8! Let's make haste and get right back into the swing of things and begin Block 9 with another set of four. If you are just joining us, though, order a kit below and sew along with us! Click the imag...
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Sew Along: BLOCK 6 Sewing North to Alaska by Featherweight
Summer is nearly over and just yesterday a song came over the radio that reminded me of Christmas and the holiday season... my heart had a flicker of excitement as festivities and traditions are just around the corner! What about you, are you preparing for holiday sewing yet? This Block 6, for m...
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Sew Along: BLOCK 5 Sewing North to Alaska by Featherweight
I am so excited about this month, because it is an exact repeat of what we did on Block 2, except it gets turned 90 degrees counter-clockwise! It feels like we are coasting for a little bit but I love that feeling of "Oh! I know what to do here... I can do this!". Granted, we still have work to...
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Sew Along: BLOCK 4 Sewing North to Alaska by Featherweight
How is your Alaska quilt coming along? We are doing well and really getting into the rhythm and method for sewing Edyta's way. She's a great teacher and we have all gleaned some very helpful skills to apply to all our quilt piecing! There are a few close-up photos below that will elaborate on ...
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Sew Along: BLOCK 3 Sewing North to Alaska by Featherweight
Last time, we sewed our second set of four blocks. You should now have a total of eight blocks sewn and set aside. I don't know about you, but a little pile of blocks always makes me feel accomplished! So, let's keep our momentum going and begin Block 3 with another set of four. This block is...
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Sew Along: BLOCK 2 Sewing North to Alaska by Featherweight
Last month, we sewed our first set of Block 1. How did you do? Did you learn something new? Edyta gives the sweetest encouragement to just keep sewing "one more", so let's begin Block 2 with another set of four! This block has two additional pieces to work in, but I'm adding some tips to help...
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Sew Along: BLOCK 1 Sewing North to Alaska by Featherweight
We are officially setting sail on our Alaska Quilt Sew Along today! Four of us in the shop each picked out our color choice, have you selected yours yet? If not, click the images below and grab your quilt kit in Blue or Holiday, while supplies last. And, BONUS! All the fabric pieces are pre-c...
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