The Featherweight Review
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Restore Along Part 15: A New Addition
Welcome to Part 15 of the Restore Along with Julia. Julia has slowly and steadily been working on Tulip, and good things surely will come of it! If you missed it, catch up on Part 14 Here: Handle With Care. Tulip is not quite ready for a new coat of paint (several, actually), but today Julia is p...
Read MoreRestore Along Part 14 Handle With Care
Welcome back to Part 14 of our Restore Along with Julia, detailing her ongoing process of reconstructing Tulip the Featherweight! Today, Julia tackles some delicate challenges and finds a missing part of Tulip a home. In case you missed it, you can read the previous installment here: Previous Pos...
Read MoreRestore Along Part 13: A Mystery or Two
Welcome back to the Restore Along of Julia and Tulip. Catch up on last week's installation here: Previous Post: Restore Along Part 12: Red Paint & Clean Parts Last time Julia purchased all the paints required for Tulip's future Soul Red Metallic paint look. There is a lot more to be done bef...
Read MoreRestore Along Part 12: Red Paint & Clean Parts
Welcome back to the Restore Along with Julia and Tulip. We hope you have enjoyed following along and learning more about Julia's process. Julia has been carefully cleaning every piece as we get to see to see Tulip's inner workings up close. If you missed us last week, catch up on the story here: ...
Read MoreRestore Along Part 11: Look At That Shine
Welcome to Part 11 of Tulip's restoration. Last week, we saw Julia continue to work on varnish and organization of Tulip's parts, and a noticeable new shine to Tulip's finish as a result of Julia's hard work. If you missed it, you can catch up on the last installment of Tulip's restoration here: ...
Read MoreRestore Along Part 10: Varnish Work
Welcome back to the Restore Along with Julia and Tulip. We're on Part 10 already, and Julia has made so much progress. Today she will take a break from cleaning the small parts and focus on Tulip's varnish. If you are joining in on the fun with us today, you can catch up on the last Restore Along...
Read MoreNote from Julia: First, and most importantly, my thanks to April and Carmon Henry for allowing me to share Tulip's makeover. I know it's not something that's usually shared on their site. My original post was just some of my notes to myself from a few days' work which I shared, but I didn't thin...
Read MoreRestore Along Part 8: Picking the Right Red
In our last Restore Along update, Julia started to narrow down her choice of paint for Tulip's new look and made tons of progress stripping down, tearing apart, and cleaning up Tulip. If you are joining us, catch up on the last installment of the Restore Along here: Previous Post: Restore Along...
Read MoreRestore Along Part 7: Adventures in Varnish
Julia and Tulip are back for part 7 of the Restore Along. If you are just now joining us, you can catch up on the previous installment of Tulip's process here: Previous Post: Restore Along Part 6: Removing the Varnish Today's work is a little bit of research and a whole lot of cleaning. Removing...
Read MoreRestore Along Part 6: Removing the Badge
Welcome back to the Restore Along featuring Julia and Tulip. Thank you for following along with the series! This installation sees Julia removing Tulip's badge and testing out various types of paint remover on the machine's painted surfaces. If you are just joining us, you can catch up on the mo...
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